The Internet Movie Database
large search engine |
Film 100
The one hundred most influental people in the history
of the movies |
The Movie Cliches List
A list of the most annoying and common logic flaws and
stereotypes found in movies |
Wrong Cuts in movies
Flubs, Goofs and Continuity Errors |
Previews, newest movies with their own webpage and more
links |
CineMedia -
Film and media directory, searchable database |
All about Silent Movies |
The Classic Movies Home Page - |
Moderntimes - Classic Films -
Information about old classic movies, especially
about Barbara Stanwyck and Edward G. Robinson |
American Movie Classics -
Information about classic movies |
Linkpage from mining co. about Classic Movies |
Queer View -
The bilingual movie magazine with a queer perspective
(German/English) |
Web Guide to gay and lesbian people in the Movies |
Ask Jeeves -
Huge search list with movie links |
Chicago Sun-Times/ Roger Ebert
Interviews, reviews etc. |
ReelViews: James Berardinelli's Movie Reviews |
Ohio State University
FAQ's about movies |
Movie Poster Page |
The Blob - Movie Poster Archives |
Movie Market's Homepage
A great source for movie poster and celebrity pictures is the English
company S & P Parker's Movie Market. They have a wide range of pictures
and they are up to date with them too. They have autograph pictures too.
You can order the printed catalog for around US $ 2,50 (DM 5) here:
S & P Parker's Movie Market, South Western Business Park, Sherborne,
Dorset DT9 3RH, United Kingdom
Phone: UK 1935 811 003
FAX: UK 1935 811 002
email: [email protected] |
Closeup Posters Homepage
Another great source for celebrity pictures, posters, and other
collectibles is the German company "close up posters". You can order the
printed catalog here:
close up posters, Zeppelinstr. 41, 73760 Ostfildern, Germany
Phone: Germany 711 450 450
FAX: Germany 711 450 45 50
email: [email protected] |
The Movie Sounds Page |
Film Studies Resources - University of Iowa |
Women Celebrity Pictures |
The Network for Entertainment Fans
Links to fansites |
Omnibus: Eye Mega-Media Links
A very huge link-list from the Northwestern University |
Association Francaise de Recherche sur l'Historie
du Cinéma
A French website about cinema history with an English
mirrorsite |